In addition to being a traditional bank and helping people in their financial situations, we take responsibility through our social involvement. Since 1852 and thanks to our customers, we invest in developing society by supporting associations and organizations in our region.
About Sparbanken Nord

We aspire to be a leading bank within sustainability. What is long-term sustainable is also long-term profitable for customers, business and society. We work to constantly broaden our customers' knowledge to enable them to make sustainable choices – private, corporate and institutional.

Societal engagement
We have a long tradition of helping people achieve a sound and sustainable financial situation. Through our own initiatives and with our partners, we educate youths about personal finance and entrepreneurship and support local initiativ for a better and more attractive society. In all of our decisions we have the UN's Sustainable Development Goals as our guiding star.

As one of the Savingsbanks in Sweden we believe that our success as a bank is connected to helping society meet the social and environmental challenges of our times. We act on this in our customer service, our asset management, our credits and our product development, as well as in our own operations. We are determined to facilitate a climate transition that aligns with the Paris Agreement, and we will contribute to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Human rights
We respect human rights throughout all our business functions: our employees, business relations and supplier engagements. We assess human rights risks in business relations, decisions and strategy, and seek to prevent and mitigate negative human rights impacts that are directly linked to our operations, products and services.
Everything Sparbanken Nord does should be characterised by transparency, trust and integrity. We take an active standpoint against all forms of corruption in all markets where we operate, and we work hard to detect and report suspected money-laundering and terrorist financing. The bank has stringent procedures in place to identify and understand risks of corruption in order to apply preventive measures.
Savings banks and Swedbank
As a savings bank we have an important cooperation with Swedbank that is one of the major banks in Sweden. Toghether with other savings banks, we are an important part of the financial system and play an important role in the local communities in which we are active. We are committed to a sound and sustainable financial development not only for our customers but also for society in general.